Play of Prakriti- Process

The concept for this painting came about 4 years ago where I was playing around with mandalas, floral patterns, and getting inspiration from thangka paintings. I created a rough draft on paper but had to shelf it for later. Recently, I unearthed the rough draft and decided to base a digital painting in Procreate (digital painting app for the iPad) with the concept.


My artistic process usually involves a rough drawing/composition which I later add linework or a value study. I proceed to define a color palette and start blocking in colors, shadow areas, and light areas. Finishing it off with rendering and details.

Prakriti, according to the Vedanta is the prime material energy of which all matter is composed. I envisioned the nature deity as an overflow of vegetation and floral patterns. Prakriti has three aspects of Sattva (Creation), Rajas (Preservation) and Tamas (Destruction). The top section shows Prakriti reaching towards the embodiment of consciousness (Purusha) symbolized by the seed with an eye and the flame within the crescent moon and the akasha (sky/aether) surrounding it.

Towards the bottom, the nature deity's tongue is flared out like Kali, but with a sharp sword of dispassion. The mount below symbolizes the gross elements of materiality. The mount is also the upward ascent of all beings are urged to undertake towards synthesis with nature and consciousness. The halos to the left and right of the mandala show the process of life as a single cell/atom transforming into complex forms.

The artmaking process was intensive ensuring symmetrical forms and patterns while ensuring variances in rendering.

All artworks are available for purchase.


Tyger… Tyger…


Pearl of Wisdom- Process